Saving the Planet: A Guide to Biggest Environmental Problems and Solutions

Our world is facing a lot of problems that result from human impact. Climate change, pollution, deforestation, and water scarcity are just some issues that cause environmental pollution and extreme weather conditions. Our planet is in dire need of a solution. The solutions below are examples of some of the ecological problems and solutions we can use to improve the world. 

Climate Change 1

Biggest Environmental Problems and Solutions

1. Climate Change


The earth’s atmosphere traps heat from the sun and keeps our planet warm. However, carbon dioxide is made in the earth’s atmosphere by burning fossil fuels, and deforestation releases much carbon into the atmosphere. When carbon dioxide levels increase, it causes the average temperature of the planet to increase, which endangers our world.


Renewable Energies: we are mainly using fossil fuels to produce energy, which in turn releases poisonous gasses into the atmosphere; however, if we switch to renewable energy, we can not only help to save our planet, but we can also save money which is very important for us in our current economic conditions.

Energy and Water Efficiency: if we start to use power more efficiently at home, in the workplace, and transportation, we can stop wasting energy and, at the same time, help to stop global warming.

Carbon Capture and Storage: This technology will help us reduce the release of carbon into the atmosphere by capturing and storing it underground; this way, we can stop global warming.

Planting More Trees: Trees absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in their trunks and roots. The more trees we grow, the more CO2 we can absorb.

Alternative Fuels: using different types of non-harmful fuels can help us stop global warming and save our planet from those dangerous gasses.

Reducing Urban Heat Island Effect: The cities have higher temperatures than other parts of the city, which is caused by the emission of heat from factories and cars and the heat from buildings.

Related: Famous Climate Change Scientists, Climate Change Books, Technological Solutions to Climate Change

2. Ocean Acidification

Ocean Acidification


Oceans absorb about 50 times more carbon dioxide than the atmosphere. When CO2 reacts with water, it produces carbonic acid, which decreases the pH of the oceans and causes them to become less alkaline. This process reduces carbonate ions’ concentration, making the water more acidic. This leads to acidification and eventually acid rain


Sustainable Fisheries: To have sustainable and healthy fisheries in the future, we will need to locate areas where fish and marine life are not endangered. Preserving those places will prevent overfishing and preserve fish stocks.

Water Management: Desalination plants, water treatment, and sewage treatment plants help preserve and replace the water used in desalination plants with the treated sewage water.

Civil Education: Governments and international organizations may provide educational or awareness-raising platforms on the dangers of climate change and ocean acidification.

Eating the right fish: If acidity were to rise, eating fish would become toxic. Since this is the case, the government should restrict the entry of any fish deemed dangerous to consumers at the given time.

3. Public Health Issues

Public Health Issues


Current environmental issues pose significant threats to human and animal health. Water pollution is the greatest danger to the quality of life and public health around the globe.

Inadequate public health facilities are one of the world’s environmental concerns and solutions.

Pollutants cause health problems in the lungs and heart, like asthma. We’ve also just started to come out from a COVID pandemic. 


More Taxes on Alcohol and Tobacco: It can help the world significantly reduce specific health problems. Also, it could help make smoking and drinking less affordable so that people are less likely to do it.

Enhance Health Standards: Governments should provide stricter regulations so that more people can access better hospitals, clinics, and medical services.

Public Health Care: Governments should invest in health services for even the world’s poorest people. That means people should have access to health care regardless of their social class or financial situation.

Eliminate Waste: Many public health care institutions around the world are facing issues with waste, such as sanitary napkins, paper towels, and other paper products.

4. Urban Sprawl

Urban Sprawl


Urban Sprawl refers to the movement of people from high-density urban regions to low-density suburban areas, resulting in the metropolis’s expansion into more and more rural areas.

Urban sprawl results in the degradation of land, a rise in traffic volume, environmental problems, and health problems—the ever-increasing need for land displaces the natural environment, including flora and wildlife.


Education: One of the most significant issues urban development brings is a shortage of educational opportunities. It is more probable that communities will take action to avoid irresponsible growth if they are informed about the detrimental effects of urban sprawl and allowed to learn about those consequences like heavy traffic for one.

Smart Growth: Smart growth is a technique for development that does not put the environment or the local community at risk and should reduce the adverse effects of urban sprawl. Urban designers and planners that advocate for “smart growth” prioritize dense, mixed-use development to foster a better feeling of a place.

Good public infrastructure: A city that is well-planned and efficient is better able to limit urban sprawl by having good public infrastructure. Public transportation systems, walkability, and cycling lanes should facilitate urban transport so that people have the ability to commute without having to waste several hours in traffic jams. 

Affordable midrise housing: Midrise housing should be more available and affordable than detached single-family homes and villas so that people can live in cities without encroaching on the suburbs and having to rely on a car for basic activities like shopping and working.

Noncar dependence: People who live in cities and suburbs depend on private cars for transport, but this situation must be changed. The best way to solve this problem is to promote public transit, cycling, and walkability.

5. Natural Resource Depletion

Natural Resource Depletion


The earth’s natural resources are finite, and they’re slowly being depleted and exploited. Without regulation, our planet won’t be able to sustain life. Our world is suffering from climate change, pollution, and overfishing. Displaced species (species forced out of their typical habitat) are one of the most noticeable signs of the depletion of natural resources.


Government Regulation: In many parts of the world, governments don’t place any restrictions on using natural resources. In fact, in some cases, governments are involved in organized crimes where natural resources such as animal furs, rivers, gold, gems, and agricultural land are illegally traded to wealthier nations.

Natural Habitats Preservation: In some cases, the development of human cities interferes with the preservation of animals’ natural habitats. Policies that deal with this issue should implement laws regarding urban expansion.

Public Education Program: Without some public education programs, this problem will continue to grow as more people move into areas of our planet that were previously untouched by humans. Educating people that natural resources are essential to our world and that it is crucial to leave them unchanged will help slow the depletion of natural resources.


Solving the environmental issues the world is dealing with takes work. It is necessary to educate people about the adverse effects on the environment we have already done to motivate individuals to make changes and prove to the world that these steps are necessary. The earth will only be safe once people assume responsibility for their actions.

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