The Future is Bright: 5 Countries That Will Survive Climate Change

Every nation on Earth will feel the effects of climate change, making it one of the most critical issues of our time. However, some nations may be better prepared to endure and adjust to a changing environment than others. In this post, we examine the five countries that will survive climate change–Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland–that are the most prepared to face them. These nations have robust economies, cutting-edge technology, and thorough strategies for adjusting to new circumstances. 

These nations are forerunners in future-proofing endeavors, including renewable energy, robust infrastructure, and environmentally friendly farming practices. Come along as we investigate the factors that make these countries so adaptable in the face of climate change and see why they may be among the most resilient in the world.

Climate Change 1

Climate Change and Its Consequences

Climate change entails long-term changes in the Earth’s average temperature and weather patterns driven mainly through industrial activities such as the use of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial operations. These activities emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane, which trap heat from the sun and cause the Earth’s Surface temperature to increase.

The consequences of climate change are wide-ranging and diverse. Its consequences go as far as increases in the average height of sea levels increases in the frequency and severity of heat waves, heavier rainfall and more intense storms, prolonged droughts, and changes in the geographic distribution of plant and animal species. Climate change also threatens food and water security, as well as human health and the economy on a global scale.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that if greenhouse gas emissions persist at their current rate, the temperature of the Earth could rise by as much as 4 degrees Celsius by this century. This scenario could trigger catastrophic consequences for the planet and its people.

5 Countries That Will Survive Climate Change

1. Norway: The Eco Warrior

The Nordic country typically scores high in terms of its ability to combat climate change. Norway filed its revised Paris Agreement goal in 2020, aiming to reduce emissions by at least 50% below 1990 levels by 2020. Moreover, Norway maintains the lead in electric vehicle sales, with a record 42 percent of all vehicles sold in the nation in 2019.

Walking throughout the nation, it’s evident what Norway’s priorities are, as smart lamps illuminate the sidewalks. They also promote green technology that reduces light consumption in many houses and buildings when no one is present to conserve energy.

Norway smart lamp

2. Sweden: Leading the Way in Renewable Energy

Sweden’s climate targets include lowering emissions by 59 percent compared to 2005 levels by 2030, with domestic transportation emissions reduced by an even greater 70 percent by the same year. Sweden has also established a council of climate policy specialists to reduce emissions even more.

The country’s clean energy industry has made significant progress, with renewables such as hydropower and biofuel currently accounting for 54% of electricity consumption in Sweden. Its attempts to educate the general public on climate concerns are also helpful. According to a study, 26 percent of Swedes are concerned about climate change and the status of the environment, as opposed to the EU average of only 6 percent.

hydropower in Sweden

3. Switzerland: Reducing Emissions & Preparing for Future Extreme Weather

Switzerland, a small landlocked nation, was the first in the world to push climate strategy to the United Nations in 2015. This move was months ahead before the Paris climate agreement. They confirmed their aspirations to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, joining only a few other countries engaged with the UN this year.

Switzerland Reducing Emissions

4. Iceland: Committed to Green Solutions

In 2021, the small Nordic country of Iceland conducted a funeral for the Okjökull Glacier, the first Icelandic glacier to perish due to climate change. Iceland’s goal is to attain carbon neutrality by 2040 and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030 under the Paris Agreement. Its Climate Action Plan includes 48 planned initiatives to assist it in meeting its emissions reduction and carbon neutrality targets.

Iceland Committed to Green Solutions

5. Finland: Boosting Climate Initiative

Finland’s climate policy is often praised for its two-pronged strategy, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and establish a bioeconomy. The European nation’s Climate Change Act enacted a plan to cut emissions by an astounding 80 percent by 2050, while more immediate targets for 2030 include lowering emissions from transportation, housing, and agriculture.

The country’s vast forest cover and renewable biomass reserves have also emerged as a critical focus for energy production in the following decades, as wood-based energy now accounts for about 25 percent of its total energy consumption. In addition, Finland has launched a Cleantech project that encourages sustainable consumption, manufacturing, and innovation.

Finland 1

Author’s Note

It is impossible to predict precisely which nations would “survive” climate change, given its effects will be diverse and widespread. Countries with well-established plans, strategies, and infrastructures to reduce and adapt to the consequences of climate change and a robust economy to finance such efforts are likely to do better than others. Moreover, the countries listed above will likely be able to ride out the effects of climate change because they have made substantial investments in renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure, and their economies are robust enough to sustain the transition to a low-carbon future. In addition, they possess the political will to address climate change.

It is essential to remember that no country is immune to climate change and that each country’s political stability and economic and social situation will significantly impact how it faces the challenges. The actions that governments and individuals take also play an essential role in determining the severity of climate change’s future effects. Overall, faced with this global crisis, all countries must thus collaborate and act immediately to limit their greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate the consequences of the dreaded impacts of climate change.

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